| WIRE TRANSFER (BANK DRAFT) |  How do I pay with a wire transfer/bank transfer You place an order with us. When selecting your payment method, you are able to choose bank transfer. You can pay after finishing your shopping by wire tranferring the total amount. Please use the reference number as announcment, you can find this number in the order mail you receive when finishing your order. Attention your order will only be send after receipt of your payment! Recipiënt | Wapenhandel Podevijn (Gunsmoke) | Adress | Meerlaan 9A, 9620 Zottegem, Belgium | Bank Account | Accountnr.: 671-8787449-96 IBAN: BE65 6718 7874 4996 BIC: EURBBE99 | Description | Your ordernumber (see ordermail) | When choosing to pay via bank transfer, there are no extra costs, so you only pay the shipping costs of your order.
| VISA, MASTERCARD VIA PAYPAL |  How do I pay via PayPal? You place an order with us. When selecting your payment method, you are able to Paypal.
When checking out you are guided to a PayPal screen where you can pay with your PayPal account, not PayPal clients can also pay.
Make sure you have your Visa/Mastercard and other data at hand for the input of the cardnumber and expiry date. Attention! When choosing to pay via PayPal there will be a total transaction fee of 4,84%.
(administration and transaction cost) on top of the total amount (products + shipping costs VAT incl.) |